Ontario Elementary Grade 2 The Arts Curriculum

The Grade 2 expectations in the arts curriculum are organized into four strands – Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts.


• body: body awareness (e.g., awareness of where one is in space in relation to objects in class), use of body zones (e.g., the right side of the body only versus the left side only), use of body parts (e.g., arms, legs, fingertips, torso), shapes, locomotor movements (e.g., running, galloping, crawling, creeping), non-locomotor movements (e.g., jumping, turning), body bases (e.g., knees as base, back as base)
• space: levels (e.g., middle level, expanding movements), pathways (e.g., straight, curvy, zigzag), directions (e.g., diagonal), size of movement
• time: freeze, tempo (e.g., stop/start, sudden, quick, sustained), rhythm (e.g., even, uneven)
• energy: force, quality (e.g., exploding, bouncing, shaking, smooth, delicate)
• relationship: (e.g., shadowing with a partner)


• role/character: adopting the attitude/point of view of a fictional character (e.g., in dialogue and writing in role); using body language (e.g., posture, gestures, facial expression), costumes, and props appropriate to a character; varying vocal levels, tones, and ranges to support the depiction of a character
• relationship: listening and responding in role to other characters in role
• time and place: establishing a fictional setting and relating to it in role
• tension: being aware of a sense of mystery or a problem to be solved
• focus and emphasis: identifying the main idea or central theme of the drama


• duration: half note (oral prompt: “ta-ah”), half rest, whole note (oral prompt: “ta-ah-ah-ah”), whole rest
• pitch: high “do”, simple melodic ostinato, melodic patterns, melodic patterns using notes of a pentatonic scale (e.g., “do–re–mi–so–la”, “do–re–fa–so–la”)
• dynamics and other expressive controls: gradations in volume encountered in music listened to, sung, and played (e.g., getting louder [crescendo], getting softer [decrescendo/diminuendo]); articulation (e.g., smooth [legato], detached [staccato])
• timbre: classification of instruments by listening to their sound (e.g., wind [woodwind, brass], stringed, electronic, membrane, pitched percussion instruments)
• texture/harmony: single melodic line in unison song with simple accompaniment (homophony), bordun patterns on “do” and “so”
• form: phrase, binary (AB) form, simple verse and chorus



Students will develop understanding of all elements of design.
• line: horizontal, vertical, diagonal lines; lines that show motion (e.g., pointy, curvy); lines inside shapes
• shape and form: symmetrical shapes and forms (e.g., shapes and forms in buildings)
• space: overlapping of objects to show depth
• colour: secondary colours (various colours made by mixing equal amounts of primary colours, such as violet, orange, green); mixing of colours with a limited palette
• texture: textures of familiar objects (e.g., rough tree bark, smooth plastic plate, ridged corduroy fabric); illusion of texture (e.g., a rough texture created by patterns of lines); impasto (thick, textured paint)
• value: mixing of a tint; identification of light and dark

Students will develop understanding of all principles of design (that is, contrast, repetition and rhythm, variety, emphasis, proportion, balance, unity and harmony, and movement), but the focus in Grade 2 will be on repetition and rhythm.
• repetition and rhythm: repetition of colour and shape in patterns; random, alternating, and regular patterns in everyday objects (e.g., textiles, ceramics) and in art (e.g., works by M. C. Escher)

This is an excerpt from the original document. Intention is to quickly help you look at the curriculum and find related worksheets. For complete details and to download original document, please visit - http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/grades.html

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